Sunday, June 15, 2014

John 15:13

I have never been more humbled and proud to be a part of my church… Today’s message revolved around “John 15:13” Never has a message broken me the way this one did. 
John 15:13 “No one has greater love than this: that someone lay down his life for his friends.
To hear a man tell his story about desperately needing a kidney (his kidney function was down to 14% ) and hearing how God worked EVERY SINGLE STEP out for this man to pass his medical, financial and psychological testing in record time. -All in order to even be placed on the transplant list. Then, How God laid a path for him to receive his kidney after SIX WEEKS on the transplant list -versus the 1 ½ - 3 years that he was originally told.  BUT THEN to hear that a member of our church stepped out in complete selflessness (and complete anonymity) to donate a kidney…. A man who has a small child, and one on the way. A man who could’ve gone about his days just allowing Chris to cross his mind every once in awhile. …Wondering if he was on dialysis, wondering if his health was failing or improving.  But, no. This man, Brian felt the whisper of the Holy Spirit and ACTED OUT IN KINDNESS AND FAITH.  Brian proceeded with pre-testing to see if he could be a donor and lo and behold, he was a perfect match so he and his wife set the date for the transplant- and due to a series of events and circumstances our Pastor and Chris’ wife discovered his identity. (the two men had barely met, as they attended different service times at church) The discovery allowed our Pastor to pray with BOTH FAMILIES prior to the surgery. This allowed the families to embrace, to love, to thank, and to become one- before both men had very serious operations. Brian preferred to keep his decision and his identity a secret because he in no way did this for himself or for earthly glory. He did this so a man could have life. So he could one day walk his daughter down in the aisle, get on his hands and knees and play with his grandchildren, dance with his wife at their 50th wedding anniversary. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! I am trying to put into words how AMAZING  it was to be a miniscule part of this miracle- by simply listening to the story. I left church totally wrecked. If a man can donate a part of his flesh so that another man may be healed- who are we and WHAT ARE WE CALLED FOR? It may not be as a huge as organ donation, it may be as “small” as holding a door open for someone. …With the negativity. The poison. The bullying. The bad attitudes that are everywhere, it is so refreshing to hear of this astounding act of kindness. 
I want to help.
I want to be last.
I want to be humble to those in need.
I want to help.
I want to open my eyes.
I want to live for others.
I want to set an example for my children.
I do not want to be cynical or judgmental.
I want to serve.
I’m challenging everyone to something. When an ‘event’ occurs in your life… do not allow your first reaction and thoughts to be “how does this affect me?!” Instead say- it isn’t about meit isn’t about me it isn’t about me… I guarantee it will open up a lot of room in your heart to help others, to serve in a way that you never have. Even if it’s just to listen to a friend who needs to vent. Or doing your job with a little more pep in your step, or allowing the person in front of you at Kroger to take their time (even when you are tired, hungry, and in a huge hurry). :o)  If we all decreased our selfishness by 1% a day who would we be in 100 days?! I can’t imagine…. But I’m excited to find out. If someone in my church family can give an organ so that someone else may live in health than I can certainly challenge myself to be a better person. And it starts this second.  Selflessness can heal brokenness. Let the healing begin!

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The two amazing families with our Pastor. 
While Pastor Anna sings "Healing is Here" 
Amazing moment... Blessed to experience it!  

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