Sunday, May 26, 2013

Truckin along...

I am loving my runs! The training program I am following has the mileage creeping up rather slowly… I’m anxious to lengthen my runs, but I know that adding mileage or quickly improving pace often leads to injury. So I’m trying to pace myself and just stick to the schedule.  
I’m also QUICKLY learning that my runs aren’t something I can just “work into” my days. I have to make a conscience effort to schedule my “me time”. Yesterday was supposed to be my longest run yet (5 miles). As I was tying my shoes (and that is not a joke- I was literally ready to head out the door), I heard the most God awful scream coming from the basement.  Where the trampoline is. :( I don’t think my feet hit one single stair from upstairs all of the way down to the basement. Addison (my 5 year old daughter) was lying on the trampoline screaming, “My leg cracked”. This is where my heart stops and I go into dramatic mode. I attempted to assess her pain to the best of my overly-dramatic-mothering ability. I determined her knee was swollen and she would not step on it. To the hospital we went…. Instead of me running 5 beautiful, blissful miles. So… multiple x-rays, a dose of motrin, and a grape popsicle later- we find out it’s just a sprained knee (Thank, God). And, of course, Addie practically skipped out of the ER…. So my overly dramatic moment is probably gonna cost us over a thousand dollars in medical bills and one lost run. I did manage to squeeze in 3 quick miles on the treadmill. But I was pouting the whole time… IT’S NOT THE SAME!!! :) 
The plan is to do 5 miles this afternoon…. When the hubs gets home from Lowes. The summer months are such a precious time. There is so much to do and so many great opportunities for family time- cookouts, swimming, birthday parties, and time in the driveway learning to ride a two wheeler. All of these are things that I don’t want to give up.  So it looks like from now until Sept 21st my alarm is going to be going off at 5am for my beautiful dates with the pavement. And I’m ok with that. There is nothing comparable to walking back into your house feeling exhausted, sweaty, and beyond proud that you did it! Again
Having my little family cheering for me and saying “way to go” is a great feeling. I always surprise myself when I finish a run! I hope that inner proud-ness doesn’t leave me. On most days, I feel like a mediocre wife and mother. But on days that I run… I feel like I can do everything a little bit better than I did the day before. It’s the best feeling. Being out in nature for an hour or more is the best feeling. Watching God’s beauty as I creep toward my mile mark for the day is unbeatable.
Is it time for my first half yet?!? I can't hardly wait!!

Friday, May 10, 2013

A tiny taste

There is something positively, deliciously untouchable about an early morning run. Crisp weather. The brilliant oranges and yellows from the sun rising across the field. The dew gathering on the blades of grass and occasionally on your running shoes.  Getting home and peeling off soaking wet clothes to hop in a steamy hot shower. All before the kids are awake? It’s untouchable. It sets the pace for your whole day.  Which, in and of itself makes the early ‘beep beep’ of the alarm worth it.
I’m by no means a seasoned athlete. (I was a junior high cheerleader and I played softball in 6th grade… and by “played” I mean rode the bench and turned every game and practice into a social event). However, I can honestly say- in my mere 4 weeks of running something has awoken in me. Something that I didn’t even know was there. I feel a confidence and a determination to accomplish big things. A full marathon is already creeping into my brain. And I’m still 4 ½ months away from my first half. :) I’ve always lacked confidence in most aspects of my life. I’m hard on myself as a mother, a daughter, spouse and employer. But after a run my whole mantra is different. I don’t blame myself for the little things. I’m not as sensitive to little jokes made by others. I feel like I carry around this little secret that no one but me knows. It makes me smile and it makes me stand a little taller.  
I feel proud to have an identity outside of mommy….mommy….mommy…. (you know how that goes). When my feet are pounding the pavement and I’m out of breath- I have the guilt free opportunity to think of things so far away from “Does Avery need his nose wiped?” Does Addie need quiet time today, or has her behavior earned her a free pass?”"what's for dinner?"
Running is such a whole body, mind,  spirit realignment and I’ve had just a tiny taste. I literally cannot wait to continue this journey.  To learn more about who I am as in individual.  To give myself a break from everything 4-5 times a week as I push myself towards goals that I never dreamt were possible.  

Saturday, May 4, 2013

20 weeks to go

I registered!! It’s official! I am giddy about the fact that my actual 20 week training program begins on Monday!! I have been running 3 to 4 days a week, with my farthest run being 3 ½ miles. The first week of training is 4 runs, 3 being 3 miles and 1 being 4 miles. I’m still at a walk, jog, run pattern. So I definitely hope I can quickly improve to a jog, run pattern because the miles are only going to get longer. I do feel that as the distance increases so will my stamina and ability. J But, boy, do my shins hurt! My back and abs ache! My knees are more awake than they have ever been!
I’m quite surprised at the negative feedback I get when I tell people I’m doing this. Although, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Most people are negative by default. I myself can be one of them. I have such a negative self-conscience, so when people are questioning my ability it instantly brings me down a notch. But it is absolutely not happening this time. There is something therapeutic and uplifting about being out of breath, sides aching, calves exploding- with a mile and a half to go…. And my inner voice is FINALLY telling me “you can do this- you’ve got this”  (in fact as I’m typing this- my thighs are aching and I’m so exhausted- but I’m itching to go for a run). I will not be deterred from this goal that I feel destined to accomplish.

“A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do” –Walter Bagehot

I learned a great lesson at church on Sunday- the basics of the message were do not compare yourself to others. It sets you up for failure every time because you will always find fault with yourself while you assume others are better than you. That is why I am beyond pumped to be running! I have people hidden from my feed on Facebook because I don’t want to hear that they have worked out 91 times this week and they’ve lost 47.2 pounds—not that their accomplishments should go unnoticed, and yes, they have a right to be proud. But for me- it has a negative affect on my psyche.  (and some people just take it too far) But when I run, I feel so proud of myself and I don’t care what my time is- the fact of the matter is- I got off of my butt and I ran.  Which is what I’m about to do….
 The above pic is the day I had my "epiphany" I was showering and got punched in the face with the notion "I WANNA RUN A HALF MARATHON!! ;)
 Registration complete!! WOOT!! WOOT!! 
Training Schedule printed and hanging on the fridge! YES!!!